The Perfect Sign Off

In continuing with the “Email Etiquette” series here at the It Blog today we’re going to go over how to create a useful but not over bearing signature. Recently on the JibberJobber there was a post about how to create an email signature that actually works.

Most students don’t even consider having an email signature until of course they’re in the process of applying for jobs then they think, “Oh crud what would little old ME even put in my signature?” More often than not the signature of a student leave a bit to be desired, then of course there’s the over achiever student who lists every club and committee their part of in their signature.

There are also great services out there that can help you create a memorable signature without the boring blue underlined words indicating linking to your Facebook page or blog.

WiseStamp is a free service that lets you create your own signature with fun little extras, remember use in moderation you don’t want an over loaded signature.

WiseStamp Demo from wisestamp on Vimeo.

Here’s a clip of the wise stamp signature I’ve created. This is for my personal account so it has links to all of my social media outlets and also a cause I’m passionate about. I highly recommend having a different personal and professional signature. With WiseStamp you can create as many different  signatures as you’d like.

Here’s an example of my business signature:

Whitney M. Oppenhuizen
Social Media Coordinator
University of Wyoming
Information Technology
Follow IT:
IT Blog

With this I link to the department’s social media outlets and have my work phone number posted. This is a basic example of what you can do with outlook. If you want to create an image, like my facebook and twitter images above, that hyper link to your pages just right click on them and select “create hyperlink” then copy in the URL from your account page.

Stay tuned for the next post on email etiquette for students, addressing and actually WRITING an email. This is make or break when applying for internships, jobs or even just trying to get a hold of your professor.


Whitney Oppenhuizen, Social Media Coordinator / Software Sales, from Grand Haven, MI

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